A space rock streaked across the sky and exploded over central Russia on February 15 2013, raining fireballs over a vast area and causing a shock wave that smashed windows, damaged buildings and injured people. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/15/us-russia-meteorite-idUSBRE91E05Z20130215
The earth is covered by a thick atmosphere. Anything trying to enter the earth experiences friction from the atmosphere which heats it up and totally or partially destroys it. In particular, space rocks—up to several meters in size—will burn up when trying to strike the earth. In fact estimates show that every year thousands of space rocks burn up before hitting earth. Thus the earth has a fantastic protective shield for most situations. However, some small pieces do make it to earth—usually falling over isolated areas or the ocean. The Russian rock caused significant damage as it partially burnt during entry. Full asteroids, too large to burn up, have hit the earth in the past; in particular one asteroid hit was likely responsible for the last mass extinction on earth which spelled the end of the dinosaurs and paved the way for humans to come into existence.
Chapter 9 of The Genesis One Code discusses mass extinctions and asteroid impacts. It shows that the five mass extinctions that have occurred in the earth’s history are alluded to in the scriptures with their time of occurrence.